The baby trend that has gone too far
The baby trend that has gone too far, but we still love – Jacquemus le petit Chiquito
It’s barely large enough to fit a few coins, but does it even matter when it’s all about the hype? What looks like a petite bag shouldn’t fool you – it’s not about the familiar utility of this piece that we use as a sack rather than an auxiliary outfit prop.
Is the emergence of leather goods a way of repourposing by finding another place into the narrative of an outfit? As we all know Jacquemus for its delusional proportions, it wouldn’t seem so deviant initially, but it doesn’t commonly happen to find such micro sizing in its display. In this context of an era of consumerism, maybe there’s yet another message to comprehend before we can fancy such a trend.
I believe this is a call to stop over-using. We tend to rely on the things surrounding us more than we could realise. Whether it’s about a bag, a backpack or even the bumbags that we carry around, we are more and more prone to fit, even in the tiniest places, everything that we could think about in that certain moment. The further we go, the more things we think we need by our side, and eventually we end up with vigorous bulges and swellings breaking through our bags, that disfigure the genuine idea that was primarily behind the product. In a practical manner, the purpose of this item is served, but bearing the weight of our belongings won’t make us happier. Do we really need more things to worry about rather than savouring the life at its simplest?
What I really like to see is that boys wear it too. It doesn’t matter anymore, particularly once you grasp the precept beyond the apparel.
Photo source @princepelayo
Photo source @chiaraobscura
Photo source @venswifestyle